Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Leavin' my baby

On Sunday, the four of us went to an annual event here called Family University.  The entire Jewish community hosts a day of lectures and seminars from all the Rabbis in the region, and the kids get divided into age groups and get to do fun Jewish activities.  Zoe (a 3-4 year old) got to bake challah, make a challah plate, go on a  scavenger hunt and learn the Shema in sign language.
I registered all 4 famly members online and chose our classes weeks before. 
We arrrived, signed in-- got the agenda, figured out where our sessions were and then went to drop Zoe off.  It was her regular preschool classroom, but there were new people and such, so she was a little clingy and tentative.  I gave her an extra hug and with a bit of contained annoyance as she whined after me, started to leave the room.  Zoe's teacher called out, "Teagan's with my daughter in the baby room!"  My heart jumped.  What?  I had to leave Teagan?  As far I knew, the policy was 12+ mons AND walking and Teagan is only 10 months!  I got a little panicky, but played it off as if I'd head right there, but was to anxious and told Seth I just wanted to bring her with us.
Of course our first class was in the sanctuary.  Great re-verb.  Teagan was happy as a clam.  "Ba!  Ba.  BA!  Ra, ra, ra, ra. MA!  MA!"  I took her out.
I tried he rin the Mby Wrap, she was so tired.  No luck-- she was too stimulated by the new place and faces.  I peeked in the glass window to see my husband listening to a lecture on Kabbalah-- adults were in active discussion-- the youngest person in there was easily 30.  I looked at Teagan who was clapping now... and walked her straight back to the preschool.
My intention was to leave her for the rest of the 40 minute class and come right back and scoop her up.  I had nothing with me--it was all with Seth.  I said goodbye to her and tears streamed down my face.  Teagan?  Happy as a clam--right down to crawl around and check it all out.
I left and then say for 40 mins only thinking, Oh, god.  She's the smallest one in there--what if she gets trampled, or a bigger baby is mean to her, what if she suddenly looks for me,  she is definitely going to get sick in there.
I didn't even relax and enjoy being "alone" with my husband having an adult discussion!  Gah!
Dashed back at the break and she was SO happy!!!  Lesson learned.  I was the one with the anxiety, not her.  Sh did GREAT.

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