Tuesday, April 5, 2011

HBO and Zoe

So, as I flipped on the TV to put on a  little PBS for Zoe this morning, it popped on to HBO (we got a free trial 2 years ago and they forgot to take it away, shhh)... and on came the end of the movie "Head of State", a 2003 film.  If you aren't familiar with the movie (as I wasn't) it's basically about Chris Rock's character becoming the first black president--and I only caught the end, but it was pretty funny.  (Like the Republican candidate's motto was: "God bless America... and no place else.")
Anyway, Zoe saw the part where it's announced that he wins, and there is confetti and balloons and cheering.  Then a newscaster says, "For the first time in the history of America, we have a black president." At which point, Zoe turns to me and says, "Is Barack Obama in this movie?"  I mean, clear as a bell!!!  I was so proud that she heard that sentence and knew who our president is, that he is the first black president, etc---- so cool.  Yes, cool that she knows who is our president-- I certainly didn't know who Ronald Reagan was when I was 3, but more the fact that she made the whole complicated connection.  Awhile back she heard his name on NPR and said she didn't like him.  I asked why and she said, "I don't know."  I said, "Well, it's okay if you don't like him, but you have to have a reason.  Did you know he's a dad, too, with two daughters just like your daddy?"  Zoe said, "He's a dad?  What are their names?"  I said, "Sasha and Malia."  Well, for THREE longs weeks she kept asking about when she could have a play date with Sasha and Malia.
Back to the movie.  I'm basking in the intelligence of my daughter right when they show the end clip:  The Inaugural Ball.  Two blonde  women in tight miniskirts are basically doing a stripper dance sans peeling off the little they are wearing.
Zoe says, "Hey, look!  Those moms are dancin'!"

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