Saturday, June 5, 2010

"I like you, Me!"

Several years ago, when my husband and I were engaged, he caught me doing something in the bathroom that embarrassed me... I was standing in front of the mirror, smiling at myself, and saying in a cheery 5 year old's voice, "I like you, me!" It was a great moment, though. I realized---even with my then fiance, I wasn't comfortable fully embracing myself. I liked the idea of it--and people might have used the word "brazen" to describe me, but, in truth, I care what people think.
My friend Liz started a blog, and listening to her inspired me to start my own. My husband writes one, several friends of mine have one... we'll see what I discover by blogging. Hopefully, my glee at being able to look at myself in the mirror and declare my "like" for what I see will only grow.
(Picture taken during our engagement.)


  1. Yey! Emily! I'm so glad you are blogging! I have always struggled with self confidence not only with myself but with my art. And it has made it hard for me to start and continue with my blog. So I guess what I'm saying is, I know how hard it can be, but I think you are great! I've been a huge fan of your characters And your "I love you, Mes" Are definitely working! Can't wait to see the amazing adventures!! :)

  2. This is terrific, Emily. I've been thinking of doing a blog myself. Would I be interesting enough?? Thanks for sharing re confidence issues. We all need to stand in the mirror and do this every day!!! Jane.
