Wednesday, June 9, 2010

To sleep, or accomplish?

My basic nighttime routine has now become this: 'last' feeding at 11pm, then "do things" (shower, laundry, snack, prepare bags for Stroller Strides/outing for the morning, email, pay bills, etc.) till 1:30am. Then wake up (not by choice for all of you childless readers) between 6-7am.
This is not... ideal. I was going to say 'smart', but it would be equally dumb to not pay bills and not shower as it is to live on 5 hours of sleep on a consistent basis. And 5 hours of light sleep at that, as many moms can attest. One rogue snore from one of my daughters and my eyes are open. Even just moving an arm can wake me, I swear. "What was that!!?? Is Zoe suffocating in her sheets?!"
I guess this is the mark of a caring mom, so I should feel reassured.
But mostly... I just feel tired.


  1. The balance between being a full time Mom and a full time worker is almost impossible. To accomplish all, means something bounces around on the floor while you're juggling everything else. The "You Can Do It All" Rosie the Riviter campaign is simply hogwash! And as much as I am a supporter of feminist ideology, I'd like to see some conversation out there regarding how the "internal and external" woman suffers as a result of the hard fought acquisition of respect, rights and power over the decades. "To sleep" or to care for ourselves often lands in the dumpster in order "to accomplish" our responsibilities. If we fight for self care, is there a family, partner or work ball bouncing in the corner? We quickly scoop up the dropped ball, but a different one often falls in it's place. I feel your question, Emily.

  2. So true, Kristin. I think I agree with that idea of "you can have it all, but not all at once". I think just keeping a good marriage along with being good parents can be tough--- some days Seth gets home and then it's 11pm and we realized we've talked but forgot to actually look at each other! Then add in work, laundry, diapering, bathing everyone, cooking, etc--- crazy! I was just saying to my friend the other day that most single women don't think of "peeing" as something you might have to put on the back burner. :)

  3. Ugh, that is tough. I know it sounds simple, but can you switch up your schedule at all, so that you are showering and paying bills, etc. during the daytime hours? Adorable picture, BTW. :)
